Create a Loading Screen in Unity

Mike Brisson
2 min readJun 11, 2021


We are going to create a scene that will load before the actual level which will be used to show the progress.

Let’s start with a simple bar. We are going to need an image…Let’s add an Image along with the Canvas:

After you have draged your image (I created a simple white rectangle), change the “Image Type” to “Filled” and the “Fill Method” to “Horizontal:

With your image selected in the Scene View, adjust the size to your liking:

Don’t forget to set the Canvas Scale Mode to “Scale With Screen Size”

As you can see, if you drag the “Fill Amount” slider to the left, you can see the bar shrink:

If you look at the values, you’ll notice that the amount ranges from 0 to 1. All that is left now is to get a reference to the fill amount and set it to the amount of the scene we need loaded.

With the code above, we create a Coroutine. Within the routine, we assign a variable of AsyncOperation to the value of the scene we want loaded.

Then within a while loop, we call the “isDone” method and set the value of the progress bar’s “fill amount” to the value of the AsyncOperations’s “progress”.

We finally end the process yielding a “WaitForEndOfFrame()” prevent the computer from crashing…giving it ‘time to breath’, so to speak.



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